
3 Ways A Great Blog Post Boosts Your Websites Authority Banner

3 Ways a Great Blog Boosts Your Website’s Authority

Most people know that adding a blog to their website is a way to increase their online visibility. But did you know that your WordPress blog can also help your business position itself as an industry leader?

Putting out consistent, quality content through your website’s blog fuels your business’s authority and puts you ahead of the competition in three key ways.  

1. Showcasing Your Expertise

When communicating with potential customers, you want to prove to them that you are the expert they want to do business with. A well-crafted blog is an easily accessible vault that showcases your expertise. When someone comes across your website and sees that expertise, they will be much more interested in doing business with you.

Be sure to have an easily visible call to action throughout your website so that customers will know what to do when they’re ready to take the next step with your company!

2. Igniting Social Proof

Well-crafted blog posts not only create more opportunities for your business to be discovered through search engines, but they can also be shared on social media platforms. If something you publish really helps someone, they’re naturally going to want to share it with their friends!

Having your content shared and recommended is called social proof, and it gives a huge boost to your business’s credibility. It also naturally creates word-of-mouth referrals (without any advertising costs!).

3. Generating Backlinks

The more quality content you post to your business’s blog, the more opportunity there is for backlinks. These are links from an external website or from another page within your own site.

Internal and external links provide signals to search engines like Google that you have quality content that is worth reading, and your website will rank higher in search results. External backlinks are especially effective for SEO.

External backlinks also send you more potential referrals from other websites. Think of it this way: if a website you trust recommends that you visit another website, you’re a lot more likely to spend time at the second website. So with backlinks, you have the double benefit of higher rankings in search engine results, as well as word of mouth referrals.

WordPress Blogging Strategies that Built Authority

Of course, you can’t just throw some words onto a webpage and expect that you’ll automatically have a great blog. There are several blogging strategies that build your business’s authority:

  • Be consistent. Put up fresh, relevant content, at least 500 words long, no less than twice a month.
  • Be professional. If you want people to take you seriously, post informative, well-written material. Many businesses hire copywriters for this reason.
  • Be social. Share your content across your social media platforms and encourage others to do so as well. Exchange backlinks with other companies and boost each other’s business.


Ready to Take Your WordPress Blog to the Next Level?

A quality website is a must-have asset for a successful business. If you want to improve the visibility and authority of your WordPress site with an active, engaging blog, we’re here to help.